Giving real economic value to birds and habitats is an essential component for creating local and regional conditions to save birds, other wildlife, and their habitats in partnership with local people.
“Birding for Conservation” is an evolving project with the goal of promoting bird conservation in Central America by
- directing the economic benefits of birdwatching-based tourism to local communities, and
- contributing data to eBird, an online database providing scientists and researchers with valuable real-time data about bird distribution and abundance.
Birding for Conservation is the blog of Chris Fischer, an avid birder, nature enthusiast, and freelance wildlife and travel photographer (
Most recently Chris has been involved with Partners in Neotropical Bird Conservation (PINBC), a collaboration that links birders and scientists in promoting bird conservation both in the U.S. and in Central and South America. He has previously worked on projects with Audubon’s International Alliances Program in Guatemala and northern Colombia. He also served on the board of the Northeast Pennsylvania Audubon Society for more than 10 years, including terms as President and Conservation Chair.